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Listings Module (With Category Select)

Data Tree Structure

Top Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Listings Listing
This is an individual listing

Block Fields

Field Detail
Title This is the Title of the listingand it is displayed in a H1 tag at the top of the page.
Image This is the main image to represent this event
Price This is the price of the listing item
Listing Date This is the date of the listing
Description This is the Description of the Listing
Specification This is the Specification of the listing
Video Embed Code This is the Embed Code for a Video
Category (Optional) This is the location for the event

To Edit a listing

  1. Login to the CMS and go to the Edit screen
  2. Expand Listings to show the different sections
  3. Expand the required section to show the individual listings
  4. Click on a listing
  5. Make the changes and click Save Data
  6. Now Publish the Site

To Add a Listing

  1. Login to the CMS and go to the Edit screen
  2. Expand Listings to show the different sections
  3. Click Add next to the section you wish to add a listing to
  4. Select the Category for this listing
  5. Enter the details and click Save Data
  6. Now Publish the Site

To Remove a Listing

  1. Login to the CMS and go to the Edit screen
  2. Expand Listings to show the different sections
  3. Expand the required section to show the individual listings
  4. Click Delete next to the listing to delete
  5. Now Publish the Site

To hide a Listing

  1. Login to the CMS and go to the Edit screen
  2. Expand Listings to show the different sections
  3. Expand the required section to show the individual listings
  4. Click on the A next to Delete for the given listing
  5. The entry will go grey to indicate itis now archived. The next time you load the Edit screen it will no longer show in the listings.
  6. Now Publish the Site

To unhide a Listing

  1. Login to the CMS and go to the Edit screen
  2. At the top of the left-hand section click the button that says “Hiding Archived Elements” so it changes to say “Showing Archived Elements
  3. Expand Listings to show the different sections
  4. Expand the required section to show the individual listings
  5. Click on the A next to Delete for the given listing
  6. The entry will go black to indicate it is no longer in the archive. The next time you load the Edit screen it will show in the listings.
  7. Now Publish the Site

To find a Listing

  1. Login to the CMS and go to the Edit screen
  2. In the grey menu bar on the right is a Search button.
  3. If the listing you are searching for is in the archive, first click “Hiding Archived Elements” to show archived listings.
  4. In the text field enter what you want to search for.
  5. In the search choose Exact, Contains, Begins or Ends. If you are not sure which to use, then use Contains.
  6. If only one entry matches then you will be taken directly to that entry.
  7. If multiple entries match, choose the result you want from the resulting popup list.
  8. Make your changes and click Save Data
  9. Now Publish the site.


Listing Child Content Structure

Parent Block Child Level 1 Child Level 2
This is an individual Listing
This is an individual photo for the listing Photo Gallery

Adding a Photo to a listing

  1. Go to Edit and expand Listings and the Listing Group (if used).
  2. You will now see a list of the listings.
  3. Click the listing you wish to add to.
  4. In the child elements area on the bottom of the right hand side click add.
  5. Choose Photo from the Popup Menu.
  6. Fill the details and then click Save Data.
  7. Repeat for each Photo you wish to add.
  8. You will need to Publish for these changes to appear on the website.