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Data Tree Structure

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Testimonials Testimonial
This is an individual testimonials

Block Fields

Field Detail
Name This is the name of the person providing the testimonial
Organisation This is the organisation 
Short Description This is the short version of the testimonial used on the homepage
Description This is the full testimonials
URL This is a URL that the testimonial can link to

To add a Testimonial

  1. Go to the Edit and click Add next to Testimonials.
  2. From the list of templates select Testimonial.
  3. Now add the details of the testimonial.
  4. Once you have finished, click Save Data..
  5. You will now need to Publish for these changes to appear on the website.

To edit a Testimonial

  1. Go to Edit and expand Testimonails.
  2. You will now see a list of the Testimonials.
  3. To edit a current item simply single click the item.
  4. Now update the details of the testimonials.
  5. Once you have finished, click Save Data.
  6. You will need to Publish for these changes to appear on the website.