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Mailbox Sizes

Over time, email mailboxes will fill up with emails and attachments to the point at which you hit mailbox quote limits or need to add additional mailbox capacity.

Our mailboxes are 1Gb or 10Gb in capacity, depending on your purchased type. If you wish to add additional capacity, then don't hesitate to get in touch with us. While adding more capacity is one solution, you should be aware that some email clients can experience problems with large IMAP mailboxes.

This is especially true with MS Outlook. When Outlook’s OST file gets too big, Outlook has a 50Gb OST file size limit, you can experience issues such as slow searches, emails and folders not syncing correctly. This can cause issues with mail syncing and result in email loss if emails are moved between folders. There are alternative email clients that can handle large mailboxes without these issues.

Alternatively, most email clients have an archive facility. This allows you to archive older mail to your computer and delete them off the servers mailbox. You should be aware that once an email has been deleted from the server, we no longer have a copy of the email. You will be responsible for backing up the archived email. If you wish to archive your email, please consult the support site for your email client or contact your IT support provider.